Les Sentiers de Magamance

Planning => Plannning => JDR => Discussion démarrée par: Agenda le novembre 17, 2016, 07:28:00 am

Titre: Shadow Of The Demon Lord du Vendredi 20 Janvier 2017 Par Julien
Posté par: Agenda le novembre 17, 2016, 07:28:00 am
Titre: Re : Shadow Of The Demon Lord du Vendredi 20 Janvier 2017 Par Julien
Posté par: arfy le novembre 17, 2016, 08:43:23 am
Tu peux me faire une description des changelins et gobelins ?
carrière initiale : mage orienté petit sort casse pied (pour ne pas dire plus vulgaire).
Titre: Re : Shadow Of The Demon Lord du Vendredi 20 Janvier 2017 Par Julien
Posté par: Julien le novembre 17, 2016, 09:38:01 am
Au niveau 0, tu n'as pas de classe, ce n'est qu'a partir du niveau 1.
Pour les sorts, il en existe une quantité de famille assez importante (Air, Alteration, Arcana, Battle, Celestial, Chaos, Conjuration, Curse, Destruction, Divination, Earth, Enchantment, Fire, Forbidden, Illusion, Life, Nature, Necromancy, Primal, Protection, Rune, Shadow, Song, Storm, Technomancy, Teleportation, Theurgy, Time, Transformation, Water).

A savoir que au niveau 0, tout le monde peut avoir un "sort" de rang 0. Après le magicien, obtient 4 sorts au niveau 1 de la/les familles qu'il veut.

The Faerie Queen exiled the goblins long ago, for a crime only she remembers. As part of their exile, she stripped them of their immortality and doomed them to live
out their days in the mortal world. Goblins have since infiltrated human societies, making their homes in rubbish heaps and sewers where, to everyone’s surprise, they seem quite happy doing the jobs no one else is at all interested in performing. Picking through trash for choice treasures or trawling the fetid waters oozing through the subterranean tunnels for a bit of gold or a dropped coin is all goblins need to keep from making trouble for their neighbors.

• Bizarre and Varied Appearance: All goblins are short by human standards, but their height is the only thing they have in common. No two goblins look alike. They all have unusual physical characteristics that make them distinct from one another, such as pig snouts in place of noses, fangs, horns, a profusion of seemingly mobile
warts, and other less savory manifestations of their physical corruption.

• Weird Habits: Many goblins have weird habits. Some keep their nail clippings and excretions in small bottles and jars to prevent witches from stealing their names. Others knock on wood when they need a bit of luck, keep odd bits of rubbish as good luck charms, or can never bathe in fear of losing their vital essence.

• Common Names: Goblins love crude humor and it shows in such names as Blix, Blunder, Bubo, Cough, Drips, Hack, Pecker, Phlegm, Poop, Pox, Puke, Sludge, Snot, and Vomit.

Faerie create changelings to conceal the absence of children they steal. They construct a changeling from natural materials and use magic to give it the appearance of the missing child. The magic often fades after a few weeks, but sometimes it lingers and lets the changeling grow up to become a real person.

• Many Masks: Changelings can use their magical natures to adopt the forms of anyone they see. They assume different forms to conceal their true natures, forms most deem hideous and unsettling. When stripped of their disguises, changelings look like humanoids formed from dirt, sticks, and rocks, with glowing green eyes set in otherwise featureless faces. Changelings in their natural forms stand 5 feet tall and weigh 90 pounds.

• Changeable Identities: Constantly changing identities has a deleterious effect on changeling personalities. Most mimic the attitudes and outlooks of the people around them, having no particular views themselves or, if they have them, burying them so deep they cannot remember who they started out being or what they
hope to become.

• Common Names: When not using the names of the people they impersonate, changelings use nicknames such as Coy, Jester, Mirth, Rook, Shadow, Slick, or Sly.
Titre: Re : Shadow Of The Demon Lord du Vendredi 20 Janvier 2017 Par Julien
Posté par: arfy le novembre 17, 2016, 12:17:26 pm
en même temps de toute façon tu nous colles des pré-tirés dans les pates ... donc on verra sur place ce que tu as envie de nous faire essayer :)

merci pour les descriptions, les deux ont l'air sympas
Titre: Re : Shadow Of The Demon Lord du Vendredi 20 Janvier 2017 Par Julien
Posté par: Neonor le novembre 17, 2016, 12:29:37 pm
ceux la me plaise bien :Destruction, Necromancy, Shadow, Teleportation, Transformation :)
Titre: Re : Shadow Of The Demon Lord du Vendredi 20 Janvier 2017 Par Julien
Posté par: Julien le novembre 17, 2016, 16:05:35 pm
Attention les familles de Sorts néfaste comme la necromancie, tu obtiens des points "d'insanity".

J'ai pas expliqué ce que c'est mais c'est cool d'en avoir trop ;)
Titre: Re : Shadow Of The Demon Lord du Vendredi 20 Janvier 2017 Par Julien
Posté par: Julien le novembre 17, 2016, 22:21:39 pm
Si tu veux avoir un gobelin ou un changelin, je peux t'en faire un.
Fais moi ces jets de dés et donne moi les résultats.

Gobelin :
Goblin Age : 3D6
Goblin Build : 3D6
Goblin Distinctive appearance : 1D20
Goblin Odd habit : 1D20
Goblin Background : 1D20
Goblin Personnality : 3D6

Changelins :
Changeling true age : 3D6
Changeling apparent Gender : 1D6
CHangeling Apparent Ancestry : 3D6
Changeling background : 1D20
Changeling quirck : 1D20
Changeling Personnality : 3D6

Pour les professions, tu me fais : 1D6 puis 1D20, et 1D6 puis 1D20 (puisque tu as 2 professions).
Titre: Re : Shadow Of The Demon Lord du Vendredi 20 Janvier 2017 Par Julien
Posté par: arfy le novembre 17, 2016, 23:24:54 pm
Pour du oneshot le changelin me semble trop complexe, voir trop accapareur de roleplay (ouais je sais, moi qui dis ça)

Gobelin :
Goblin Age : 3D6  7
Goblin Build : 3D6 8
Goblin Distinctive appearance : 1D20  20
Goblin Odd habit : 1D20 19
Goblin Background : 1D20 4
Goblin Personnality : 3D6 15

Pour les professions, tu me fais : 1D6 puis 1D20, et 1D6 puis 1D20 (puisque tu as 2 professions).
- 4 / 4
- 4 / 15
si deux fois le même point de départ est dommage, deuxième jet pour le deuxième :
- 3 / 20
Titre: Re : Re : Shadow Of The Demon Lord du Vendredi 20 Janvier 2017 Par Julien
Posté par: Julien le novembre 18, 2016, 08:15:25 am
Pour du oneshot le changelin me semble trop complexe, voir trop accapareur de roleplay (ouais je sais, moi qui dis ça)

Gobelin :
Goblin Age : 3D6  7
Goblin Build : 3D6 8
Goblin Distinctive appearance : 1D20  20
Goblin Odd habit : 1D20 19
Goblin Background : 1D20 4
Goblin Personnality : 3D6 15

Pour les professions, tu me fais : 1D6 puis 1D20, et 1D6 puis 1D20 (puisque tu as 2 professions).
- 4 / 4
- 4 / 15
si deux fois le même point de départ est dommage, deuxième jet pour le deuxième :
- 3 / 20

Ok c'est tout noté, j'aurais aussi besoin d'autres jets :
Wealth (3d6)
Interesting Things (1D6 puis, 1D20)

Si par hasard tu souhaiterais avoir un sort me dire de quel famille. Sinon, j'en mettrais moi même.
Titre: Re : Shadow Of The Demon Lord du Vendredi 20 Janvier 2017 Par Julien
Posté par: arfy le novembre 18, 2016, 09:10:05 am
j'essayerais d'y penser, commencer à jeter des jet de dés au taf va  pas le faire ... ^^

en même temps j'ai un pc ... hop simulateur
Wealth (3d6) : 8
Interesting Things (1D6 puis, 1D20) : 6 / 15

Pour le sort, je le vois bien en Teleportation ou illusion, un truc bien casse pied pour un fouineur de 3 pieds de haut ^^
Titre: Re : Re : Shadow Of The Demon Lord du Vendredi 20 Janvier 2017 Par Julien
Posté par: Julien le novembre 18, 2016, 09:39:17 am
j'essayerais d'y penser, commencer à jeter des jet de dés au taf va  pas le faire ... ^^

en même temps j'ai un pc ... hop simulateur
Wealth (3d6) : 8
Interesting Things (1D6 puis, 1D20) : 6 / 15

Pour le sort, je le vois bien en Teleportation ou illusion, un truc bien casse pied pour un fouineur de 3 pieds de haut ^^

C'est bon ton personnage est créé !  8)
Titre: Re : Shadow Of The Demon Lord du Vendredi 20 Janvier 2017 Par Julien
Posté par: Julien le novembre 19, 2016, 13:09:06 pm
D'ailleurs, si d'autres personnes ont des idées de personnage, je peux vous faire un prétiré.
Titre: Re : Shadow Of The Demon Lord du Vendredi 20 Janvier 2017 Par Julien
Posté par: AmiSaï le décembre 30, 2016, 18:22:21 pm
Dit moi ju, est ce que tu accepterais une personne debutante supplementaire? :p
(sa te monterais a 5 du coup...)
Titre: Re : Shadow Of The Demon Lord du Vendredi 20 Janvier 2017 Par Julien
Posté par: Julien le décembre 30, 2016, 19:18:37 pm
Si c'est une nouveau joueur/joueuse je veux bien  ;)
Titre: Re : Shadow Of The Demon Lord du Vendredi 20 Janvier 2017 Par Julien
Posté par: QAW le janvier 02, 2017, 11:26:05 am
Je jouerai bien un automate ... prêtre ou combattant
Titre: Re : Shadow Of The Demon Lord du Vendredi 20 Janvier 2017 Par Julien
Posté par: arfy le janvier 10, 2017, 21:30:31 pm
Je passe mon tour finalement Julien, désolé.

Je vois qu'il y a du monde en attente sur la partie, donc j'en profite pour m’éclipser et calmer un peu le planning sur Janvier.
J'espère que vous ferez un retour sur le jeu, ça m'intéresse pas mal.
Titre: Re : Shadow Of The Demon Lord du Vendredi 20 Janvier 2017 Par Julien
Posté par: sai le janvier 11, 2017, 01:05:48 am
Erf, bon, ben pour moi c'est une mauvaise nouvelle en suspens. Mon amie qui devait venir c'est cassé la cheville, du coup ce n'est pas certain qu'elle descende...
Titre: Re : Shadow Of The Demon Lord du Vendredi 20 Janvier 2017 Par Julien
Posté par: sai le janvier 16, 2017, 20:31:24 pm
Benoît, si tu veux en être, je ne suis toujours pas sur que mon amie sois là, du coup on est trois
Titre: Re : Shadow Of The Demon Lord du Vendredi 20 Janvier 2017 Par Julien
Posté par: Julien le janvier 18, 2017, 09:09:02 am
Pour les clés on fait comment ?  ::)
Titre: Re : Shadow Of The Demon Lord du Vendredi 20 Janvier 2017 Par Julien
Posté par: sai le janvier 18, 2017, 12:21:42 pm
C'est remi qui les a.
Titre: Re : Shadow Of The Demon Lord du Vendredi 20 Janvier 2017 Par Julien
Posté par: QAW le janvier 20, 2017, 12:01:04 pm
J'arriverai vers 21H max.
Ca vous laissera le temps de finir les persos :)
Titre: Re : Shadow Of The Demon Lord du Vendredi 20 Janvier 2017 Par Julien
Posté par: Julien le janvier 21, 2017, 09:47:31 am
Pour votre niveau 1 vous pouvez choisir une "classe" parmi celles-ci : Magicien, Prêtre, Voleur, Guerrier.

Finalement c'est assez compliqué à expliquer  ;D. On verra ça ensemble lors de la prochaine partie pour faire évoluer vos stats etc...  ;)
Titre: Re : Shadow Of The Demon Lord du Vendredi 20 Janvier 2017 Par Julien
Posté par: Neonor le janvier 21, 2017, 17:09:43 pm
En gros, c'est l'excuse bidon pour ne pas te palucher les règles en anglais !
Titre: Re : Re : Shadow Of The Demon Lord du Vendredi 20 Janvier 2017 Par Julien
Posté par: Julien le janvier 21, 2017, 21:29:46 pm
En gros, c'est l'excuse bidon pour ne pas te palucher les règles en anglais !

Ouais ! Ca fait trop de truc à traduire et écrire  ;D
Titre: Re : Shadow Of The Demon Lord du Vendredi 20 Janvier 2017 Par Julien
Posté par: QAW le janvier 22, 2017, 17:18:45 pm
Un petit copier/coller sinon pour ceux qui lisent l'anglais ?
Moi je choisis guerrier :)
Titre: Re : Shadow Of The Demon Lord du Vendredi 20 Janvier 2017 Par Julien
Posté par: Julien le janvier 22, 2017, 17:56:24 pm
Novice Training
The novice paths include tables showing possible training or circumstances that led you to the path you choose. You can pick one that matches or complements what
your character has done so far or you can determine your training randomly by rolling a die. If none match your character, you can always make something up.

Novice Benefits
The group’s level determines the benefits you get from your path. As the level increases, you gain additional benefits as directed in the Advancement table.
• Attributes: When you increase your attribute, you increase your score, which also increases your modifier.
• Characteristics: Increase your characteristics by the listed amounts.
• Languages and Professions: Your path might grant you one or more languages, literacy in one or more languages, or another profession. See Chapter 1 for languages and professions.
• Magic: Your path might let you discover traditions and learn spells. When you discover a tradition, you automatically learn one of the rank 0 spells from that tradition. If your path instructs you to learn a spell, you choose the spell you learn from a tradition you have discovered. The spell’s rank must be equal to or less than
your Power.
• Talents: Your path might also grant you one or more talents. Some talents let you do things others cannot normally do. Others let you perform activities with greater precision or to greater effect.


Extensive training with weapons and studying numerous fighting styles teach warriors how to fight and survive on the battlefield. Their skills depend on being physically fit, quick and nimble, or a combination of both. Upon completing their training, warriors can pick up and fight with almost any weapon, striking with greater precision and greater force than anyone else. Although all warriors know how to fight, they distinguish themselves by the weapons they wield. Some favor archery
and put their focus on ranged weapons. Others fight with swords and axes, using their might to overcome their foes. Others still favor swift weapons, slipping rapier or saber strikes through their enemies’ defenses. Warriors come from all backgrounds. They are howling barbarians tumbling out from the depth of the wilderness,
veteran soldiers marching in the Empire’s armies, hard-bitten mercenaries, mystics who transform their bodies into weapons, or anyone else who knows how to win battles through superior skill at arms.

Level 1 Warrior
Attributes Increase two by 1
Characteristics Health +5
Languages and Professions You add one common, martial, or wilderness profession.
Catch Your Breath : You can use an action or a triggered action on your turn to heal damage equal to your healing rate. Once you use this talent, you cannot use it again until after you complete a rest.
Weapon Training When attacking with a weapon, you make the attack roll with 1 boon.

Warrior Training
d6 Training
You fought in the pits and arenas of your homeland. Each contest honed your talent until you became an experienced warrior.

You spent time in service to a knight as a squire. You learned how to fight, ride, care for your gear, and conduct yourself in a proper and noble manner.

You were a soldier, a member of the militia, or part of the watch. You learned basic combat techniques and discovered you had a talent for fighting.

You lived on civilization’s edges. The hardships you endured and dangers you faced taught you how to survive.

You learned to fight while living on the streets. You might have been a thug, taking what you wanted by brute force, an enforcer for a crime family, or a bodyguard for someone important.

You learned the fighting techniques from a master warrior. You might have studied at a monastery or sought out a teacher in a far-flung land.
Titre: Re : Shadow Of The Demon Lord du Vendredi 20 Janvier 2017 Par Julien
Posté par: sai le janvier 22, 2017, 18:41:39 pm
moi je choisi le reste ^^ tu peux copier coller aussi?
Titre: Re : Shadow Of The Demon Lord du Vendredi 20 Janvier 2017 Par Julien
Posté par: Julien le janvier 22, 2017, 19:24:22 pm

Magicians strive to reach the heights of magical power. If they follow this journey to its end, choosing paths to complement what they have learned, they join the most powerful users of magic in the world. Hopeful magicians must first discover a tradition of magic to begin learning spells. Discovery can be accidental, resulting
from being affected by a spell, stumbling into an area steeped in magical energy, or finding its power within. Discovery can also be taught. Ancient institutions of magic, wizards, witches, and others reveal traditions to promising students. Upon discovering a tradition, the magician learns the most basic spells from it. All this prepares magicians for the process of learning greater and more powerful spells. Since magicians freely choose their traditions, they display a range of capabilities. Some favor destructive magic, learning spells that let them harness elemental forces of wind, rain, fire, and earth. Others prefer subtler magic, favoring charms to manipulate the minds of others or illusions to deceive and conceal. Magicians can also be conjurers, loosing monsters to fight on their behalf, or engineers, creating
servants and machines from spare parts they pick up along the way. The possibilities magic offers also present many perils. More than one magician has succumbed to dark magic’s temptations, dabbling into the arts of Forbidden, Necromancy, or worse traditions. Such magic almost always corrupts the magician, but those seeking its power rarely care.

Level 1 Magician
Attributes Increase two by 1
Characteristics Health +2, Power +1
Languages and Professions You read all the languages you know how to speak. In addition, you add one academic area of knowledge of your choice.
Magic You make four choices, discovering one tradition or learning one spell for each.
Cantrip Whenever you discover a tradition, you learn an extra rank 0 spell from that tradition.
Sense Magic You learn the sense magic spell, which is described below.

Magician Training
d6 Training
You discovered magic from a book or scroll.

You were the seventh son of a seventh son, were born under a strange star, or have the blood of a magical ancestor flowing through your veins.

A witch or wizard took you on as an apprentice and taught you the rudiments of magic in exchange for a period of service.

You studied at one of the great institutions of magic, perhaps in one of the Nine Cities or at the Tower Arcane that drifts in the sky above Caecras, the Empire’s capital city.

You made a pact with an otherworldly being. You offered your soul, a gift, or service in exchange for magical knowledge.

You suffered a magical mishap, such as drinking a strange potion or becoming exposed to the Demon Lord’s Shadow. The mishap awakened the power lurking inside you.


Area A sphere with a 5-yard radius centered on a point within your space You know if there are any ongoing magical effects in the area and from what points they originate.
Titre: Re : Shadow Of The Demon Lord du Vendredi 20 Janvier 2017 Par Julien
Posté par: Julien le janvier 22, 2017, 21:48:28 pm

Priests derive magical power from pledging service to a supernatural being. Service to such entities gives priests purpose in the world and causes for which they might fight. Faith in their patrons gives them the ability to work magic, which they perform through rite and prayer. Discovering a tradition is a religious experience for
priests. They encounter the presence of a god during their travels, feel some holy presence enter them while studying a religious text, or have a dream where they are chosen to become divine servants. The initial experience sets these individuals on the priest’s path and gives them the power they need to further the interests of their immortal patrons. Religion stands at the center of priests’ identities. It shapes their behavior, gives them purpose, and reveals their traditions. Priests committed to the New God use different kinds of magic from those who follow the teachings of the Old Faith. For more information on religions common to the Northern Reach, see Chapter 8.

Level 1 Priest

Attributes Increase two by 1
Characteristics Health +4, Power +1
Languages and Professions You either read one language you can speak or add a language to the list of languages you can speak. Also, add one religious profession.
Magic You discover one tradition associated with your religion, as shown on the Religious Traditions table. Then make two choices, discovering one tradition associated with your religion or learning one spell for each.
Shared Recovery You can use an action to heal damage equal to your healing rate. Then, choose one creature other than you that is within short range. The
target also heals damage equal to its healing rate. Once you use this talent, you cannot use it again until after you complete a rest.

Priest Training
d6 Training
You were called to represent your patron deity in the world.

A druid or witch initiated you into your faith.

You studied the sacred writings, learned the sacred ceremonies, and were ordained a priest in a religious institution.

Your religious convictions rewarded you with power from the deities you follow.

You have a covenant with your deity after experiencing a strange dream or weird encounter in the wilderness.

A supernatural presence entered your body and works through you to perform miracles.

Religious Traditions

Religion Associated Traditions
Cult of the New God (Celestial, Life, Theurgy)
Dwarfen Ancestors (Battle, Earth, Life)
Old Faith (Life, Nature, Primal)
Witchcraft (Curse, Enchantment, Life)

Rogues always have a trick up their sleeves. Using a combination of luck and skill, rogues can usually find solutions to their problems. Their talents come from their ingenuity, cunning, training, and, of course, good fortune, all of which makes them adaptable to any situation. Although many rogues come from criminal backgrounds,
not all rogues are criminals. Rogues include anyone who benefits from trickery and can fit into every aspect of society. While some work as pickpockets in crowded
marketplaces and bandits preying on caravans, others act as detectives solving crimes, forward observers gathering information for their allies, or spies ferreting out dark plots.

Level 1 Rogue
Attributes Increase two by 1
Characteristics Health +3
Languages and Professions You either add one language to the list of languages you can speak or add one common, criminal, or wilderness

Nimble Recovery You can use an action to heal damage equal to your healing rate and
then move up to half your Speed without triggering free attacks. Once you use this talent, you cannot use it again until after you complete a rest.
Trickery Once per round, you can make an attack roll or challenge roll with 1 boon. If you attack with 1 boon from this talent, your attack deals 1d6 extra damage.

Rogue Training
d6 Training

You techniques helped you survive in a city’s mean streets or on the frontiers of civilization.

You joined a thieves’ guild or assassins’ guild and learned your techniques from the guild masters.

You were an investigator or member of the watch, developing your talent to combat criminals.

You learned your techniques to help you become a better criminal.

You trained with a group of scouts, bandits, or rebels living in the wilderness.

You always had a gift for subterfuge and your training just refined the talents you had all along.